The Evolution of Bidirectional Charging: Electric Volkswagens as Home Energy Source in Belgium

The Evolution of Bidirectional Charging: Electric Volkswagens as Home Energy Source in Belgium

08 December 2023

The Evolution of Bidirectional Charging: Electric Volkswagens as Home Energy Source in Belgium


An exciting development has reached the electric vehicle market in Belgium: Volkswagen has recently announced that their electric cars are now capable of returning energy to the electricity grid. This new functionality, available after software update 3.5, is, however, only applicable to models equipped with Volkswagen's larger 77-kWh battery.

The ability to power household lights using your car's electricity is made possible by using a special wallbox and additional equipment from the Hagerenergy brand. This advanced technology opens the door to a new era of energy management, where electric cars act as flexible energy sources for domestic use.

Currently, a crucial test for this Vehicle-to-Home system is undergoing a pilot program in Sweden, where Volkswagen is testing its operation in practice. The system is designed to ensure that the car battery never drops below 20% of its capacity, thereby providing approximately 60 kWh to power your home.

Volkswagen estimates that with this technology, an average household can be powered for up to two days. However, considering the average energy consumption in Belgium according to relevant sources, this system could potentially cover a household's energy needs for up to eight days.

Using electricity from your electric Volkswagen for household purposes offers several advantages. Firstly, you can take advantage of cheaper electricity rates by charging at opportune times and using this energy during more expensive periods. Additionally, you can use your own stored solar energy at night, reducing your reliance on the electricity grid.

Moreover, this system contributes to relieving the energy network by strategically utilizing the energy stored in the car battery.

The exact duration of the pilot phase in Sweden before Volkswagen considers the technology fully successful is not currently disclosed. However, starting from the aforementioned software update 3.5, owners of electric Volkswagens (with sufficient battery capacity) can benefit from bidirectional charging.

This promising step in the world of electric vehicles promises a true revolution in energy management. It opens new possibilities for efficient electricity usage, where cars not only serve as means of transportation but also as a source of sustainable energy for households in Belgium.