Google maps update for EV drivers

Google maps update for EV drivers

30 October 2023

Google Maps has recently received an impressive update, and this time it's the proud owners of electric cars who will benefit greatly. The navigation app, which already offers numerous handy features to electric vehicle (EV) drivers, goes even further to make life easier for electric car enthusiasts.

Not only does Google Maps guide you to available charging points on the map, but it now expands with new features that threaten to make specific charging apps obsolete. With this update, you can obtain detailed information about the available charging points. You can not only learn the location and estimated charging speed of the charging station, but you can also check if the cable and charging card of your electric vehicle are compatible with the respective charging installation. Furthermore, Google Maps tells you if the charging station is currently available and how many plugs are free, even when it was last used. This means you can quickly find out if a particular charging station might be potentially out of order, saving you valuable time.

What makes this update even more exciting is that it's already available for both Android and iOS users. If you have a car with Android Automotive as your infotainment system and use Google Maps as your default navigation system, your searches will be even more personalized based on your specific vehicle, including the type of plug you use. This is truly a game-changer for EV drivers.

But there's more good news for everyone who loves Google Maps. The update also includes other exciting features that will further enrich your travel experience. One of them is the expansion of the Immersive View feature, which allows you to soar over streets like a bird. This means you can fly through the city in real-time, check out restaurants, monitor traffic information, and even explore the interior of important buildings. This feature is now also applied to routes, whether you're traveling by car, bike, or on foot. You can view animated weather data and traffic information, helping you plan your journey better and avoid unexpected surprises.

What makes this new functionality even more fascinating is that it's powered by artificial intelligence. Although it's currently available only in certain cities like Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, and Paris, the goal is to expand this Google Maps functionality to more cities in the future, including cities in Belgium like Antwerp, Brussels, and Liège.

In these cities, you can also use the Lens feature of Google Maps, which allows you to discover hidden gems in augmented reality simply by holding up your smartphone. This opens up a world of possibilities for finding interesting places, restaurants, and shops that you might otherwise overlook.


In summary, the recent update of Google Maps is a significant leap forward, not only for electric vehicle drivers but for all users who want to take advantage of the latest navigation and exploration tools. It makes travel more exciting and informative than ever before. So, what are you waiting for? Download the latest version of Google Maps for Android or iOS and experience these amazing features for yourself!