Electric Cars in Europe: A Lively Update

Electric Cars in Europe: A Lively Update

28 August 2024

Electric Cars in Europe: A Lively Update

BMW Surges Past Tesla In the summer of 2024, BMW pulled off an electric coup by overtaking Tesla as the top seller of electric vehicles in the EU. With sales exceeding 14,800 fully electric vehicles, BMW has proven that German reliability can also run on batteries. Tesla, on the other hand, saw its sales drop by a shocking 16%, indicating that the electric car market in Europe is taking a moment to catch its breath.

An Electric Tariff War In August, the European Commission decided to cut some "power" from Chinese electric cars by imposing import tariffs. This is due to the generous subsidies these cars receive in China, making them incredibly affordable here. The tariffs are steep, ranging from 17% for BYD to a hefty 36.3% for SAIC. But here's the twist: experts whisper that these measures might backfire by increasing the prices of European EVs.

Market Reaction: An Electric Debate The European measures have got tongues wagging. Some cheer, others scratch their heads, thinking about the consumer who might soon face the bill. The debate is lively: are we protecting our industry or making competition unnecessarily expensive?

Chinese Manufacturers Think: "Then We'll Just Build Here?" The clever strategists at companies like Xpeng and BYD aren't easily caught off guard. They're considering, or already starting, to set up their factories in Europe. No more tariffs, and they stay in the race. Well played, China!

Conclusion: A Market Charged with Electric Tensions The European EV market has become an exciting battleground. While BMW and co. rev their engines, Chinese giants dance around the tariffs. It's a game of adaptation, innovation, and strategic maneuvering, with the European consumer watching curiously to see who will make the next move in this electric chess game.